The Corporation of the Town of Saugeen Shores

Regular Council Meeting Minutes

Nuclear Innovation Institute
620 Tomlinson Drive, Port Elgin, Ontario
  • Luke Charbonneau, Mayor
  • Diane Huber, Deputy Mayor
  • Mike Myatt, Vice Deputy Mayor
  • Dave Myette, Councillor
  • John Divinski, Councillor
  • Cheryl Grace, Councillor
  • Bud Halpin, Councillor
  • Rachel Stack, Councillor
Members Absent:
  • Justin Duhaime, Councillor
Staff Members:
  • Kara Van Myall, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Dawn Mittelholtz, Clerk
  • Mark Paoli, Director, Development Services
  • Jay Pausner, Manager, Planning and Development
  • Amanda Monaghan, Community Development Officer
  • Candace Hamm, Development Services Officer
  • Kristen Sears, Planning Policy Coordinator

Mayor L. Charbonneau called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Vice Deputy Mayor Myatt read the Land Acknowledgement. 

No pecuniary interests were declared.

Council received a Planning Report regarding an application to sever 3 vacant residential lots from a 78.5 ha agricultural parcel. All lots are proposed to be 1892 sq m in size and will front onto Bruce-Saugeen Townline. An amendment to the Zoning By-law is required to permit the residential lot creation. If approved, the application would facilitate the creation of 3 residential lots in the hamlet of North Bruce. The retained parcel will continue to be used for agricultural purposes. A holding provision requiring an Archaeological Assessment for the lands containing high archaeological potential is proposed.

The property is located north of Bruce-Saugeen Townline and west of Highway 21 within the hamlet of North Bruce. The subject site is surrounded by residential uses and agricultural lands.

Mayor Charbonneau declared the public meeting open and indicated the purpose of the public meeting.

Mayor Charbonneau asked if any members of the public would like to address Council on this matter.

The County Planner presented the report to Council. 

Ron Davidson, Consultant for the applicant, spoke regarding the application and its consistency with the County of Bruce Official Plan. 

Brian Rye addressed Council as a resident from the Municipality of Kincardine. He raised traffic concerns and requested the speed limit be lowered. County Planner is to follow up and provide Mr. Rye with contact information to request a speed limit change.

There were no other members of the public wanting to speak to Council.

There were no additional written submissions. 

Council members had the following clarifying questions:

  • A question was raised regarding allowing the farmland to be made into residential lots, it was clarified that the lots are in the hamlet therefore residential uses can be considered.
  • A question was raised regarding the source of water for the residences. The agent for applicant indicated that they have not had the discussion, but it will likely be three separate wells. 
  • It was clarified that the speed limit on the road is posted as 80 km/h. 
  • A question was raised regarding the character of the neighbourhood, it was indicated that the setbacks would be similar and fit into the existing character. 
  • It was clarified the red line on the drawing of the subject lands is a delineating line and not a designation.
  • A question was raised regarding Zone R1-2, and it was indicated that anything permitted in the R-1 Zone could be build, for example single detached dwellings, semi-detached dwellings and duplexes. 
  • It was clarified that the land is currently being used as farmland.

In the absence of any further questions, Mayor Charbonneau declared the public meeting closed.

Council had the following comments:

  • It was indicated that speed control is necessary and that it is appreciated Bruce County staff will follow up with Mr. Rye.
  • Positive feedback was received regarding building the hamlet out, it is good to see it grow. 
  • Resolution Number:195-2024
    Moved by:M. Myatt
    Seconded by:D. Huber

    That Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Z-2024-037 (Lowlace) and By-law 64-2024.


That Council move into Closed to Public Session regarding matters in accordance with the Municipal Act:

  • Discussion of a position or instruction to be applied to negotiations on a confidential matter.
  • Resolution Number:196-2024
    Moved by:D. Myette
    Seconded by:M. Myatt

    That Council move into a Closed to Public Session in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001, Section 239 (2):

    (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.


Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and Nature


Adoption of Closed to Public Meeting Minutes


Closed to Public Staff Reports


Confidential Negotiation

  • Resolution Number:197-2024
    Moved by:C. Grace
    Seconded by:R. Stack

    That Council arise from the Closed to Public Session and resume the Regular Council Meeting.


Council received a Planning Report regarding an application to consider amendments to the Town of Saugeen Shores Official Plan and Zoning By-law addressing the following matters:

  • Conformity with the implementation amendment to the Bruce County Official Plan;
  • Introduction of On-Farm Diversification as per the Bruce County Official Plan and Provincial Policy Statement;
  • Encouraging intensification and diversification of housing;
  • Changes to parking provisions; and
  • Other Official Plan and Zoning By-law housekeeping amendments.

The proposal was presented at a public meeting on June 17, 2024. County and Town staff have since amended the proposal to reflect comments provided at and subsequent to the public meeting. 

Council discussed the proposed amendments to the Town of Saugeen Shores Official Plan and Zoning By-law and had comments regarding agricultural and residential uses, not being in favour of delegating minor by-laws to committees, concerns regarding reductions in parking, and the length of the Zoning by-law and Official Plan needing review and public consultation. It was requested that both Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments be consolidated for Council review.

The following amending motions were brought forward: 

  • That the delegation of minor by-laws amendment be deleted from the list. This motion was moved by Councillor Halpin and seconded by Councillor Grace and passed.
  • That the requirement for indoor bicycle parking be removed. This motion was moved by Councillor Myette and seconded by Councillor Divinski and passed.

The original motion was not carried however these amending motions were deemed to be direction to staff. 

  • Resolution Number:198A- 2024
    Moved by:J. Divinski
    Seconded by:M. Myatt

    That Council defer consideration of these amendments; and

    That staff be directed to return at a later date with a report that addresses the issues that have been raised by Council members.

  • Resolution Number:198B-2024
    Moved by:D. Myette
    Seconded by:B. Halpin

    That Council adopt By-law 65-2024, for Local Official Plan Amendment L-2024-007 (Saugeen Shores), and that it be forwarded to Bruce County for approval; and

    That Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Z-2024-025 (Saugeen Shores) and By-law 66-2024.


Council received a staff report with a review of the changes to the draft Community Improvement Plan (CIP) that were made in consideration of feedback provided at the July 15, 2024, Public Meeting.

  • Resolution Number:199-2024
    Moved by:M. Myatt
    Seconded by:C. Grace

    That Council adopt By-law 67-2024, a By-law to approve an updated Community Improvement Plan for Saugeen Shores and designate a Community Improvement Plan Area.


Council received a staff report regarding lands that are subject to a Draft Plan of Subdivision. The developer was prepared to enter into a Subdivision Agreement to develop 15 single-detached dwelling lots fronting onto Acton Drive in Port Elgin. 

  • Resolution Number:200-2024
    Moved by:D. Huber
    Seconded by:C. Grace

    That Council adopt By-law 68-2024 to enter into a Subdivision Agreement with Snyder Development Corporation Inc. for Phase 3 of the Woodlands Plan of Subdivision.


Council received a staff report regarding the Town receiving a notice of an impact assessment submission regarding the Bruce C Nuclear Project and a comment deadline from the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada. Staff intend to bring a report to the September 9, 2024, Council Meeting with recommended comments to be submitted to the Canadian Impact Assessment Registry.

  • Resolution Number:201-2024
    Moved by:B. Halpin
    Seconded by:D. Myette

    That Council receive the Bruce C Project Notice of Impact Assessment Submission and Comment Deadline report for information.

  • Resolution Number:203-2024
    Moved by:R. Stack
    Seconded by:B. Halpin

    That By-law 69-2024 being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Saugeen Shores is hereby read a first, second, and third time and finally passed and sealed this 26th day of August, 2024.

  • Resolution Number:204-2024
    Moved by:R. Stack
    Seconded by:B. Halpin

    That this Regular Council meeting of August 26, 2024, hereby adjourns at 10:04.

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